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The beauty of Snowflake ice Dessert is before its snowflake melts. How can the ice without melting when it displays in the window display? It is possible to make it, when the snowflake dessert is out off the fridge.
After receiving various feedback from restaurant owners and food stall traders.

Anyway, Snowflake is one of the hottest dessert shop to open recently and is good for refreshing desserts.
Snowflake dessert actually plenty of air whipped into the heap of delicate, sweetened crystals.
The snowflake dessert taste the dry, powdery, airy crystals that crunch lightly in your mouth before quickly melting.
Ice lover just love the texture of the snowflake melting in the mouth.

Don’t melt your Ais Batu Kacang

We are mastering in custom fake food for F&B. Malaysia ABC Snowflake Dessert), Nestle’s Ice Cream, Thailand Coconut Ice Cream, and any favour of a custom made ice-cream.


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So we help the restaurant window space become more interesting when they display the snowflake desserts. The snowflake can Bright and charming gesture.


The beauty of Japanese snowflake shaved ice dessert in Door Window Display

who can resist those tempting bowls of shaved ice crowned with creamy foam or dusted with brightening powder.

Premium shaved ice dessert topped with natural ingredients versus those using artificial coloring and commercially-made syrups.

Source: Kakigōri @ Taman Paramount, Petaling Jaya Facebook.com/kakigori.my

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Malaysia Hot Weather, So Let Start make Your Ice-Cream here

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