difficult decision making window display food 1a

A printed food menu is difficult for customers to imagine the foods.

Problem for clients to read Restaurant Menu:

  1. How the dishes really look like?
  2. Hard to describe the food?
  3. How the food ingredients?
  4. How big is the portion?
  5. Does the serving size suitable for 2 person?


difficult decision making window display food 1b

Do u ever been to a restaurant and seen beautiful fake foods as their menu?

You’ve probably heard the term “Fake food window display menu” around everywhere corner of modern restaurant lately.
The window display menu will spark your appetite. I choose this menu for my meal.
Well done.

Most of us live in a society of unlimited possibilities choices, we will have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or Difficult Decision Making, the moment when we choose what favor to eat. A live artificial fake food can easily make whet to your appetite, it makes you want to have it.

Printing food menu is easy for customers to have blank imagine for the foods.


Trendy restaurant with 3D food marketing, and you can have one for your business?

Food menus can become more vivid with 3D food marketing strategy, you can launch your restaurant with sense of food art. Your menu will become “Sense of Art”. Every client happy and enjoy the moment eating with the food that they choose. The actual foods color, size and texture will full of satisfied.

Barry Schwartz, a psychologist and author of The Paradox of Choice, explores the connection between depression and the abundance of choice. … There is often regret that may lead to depression. Too much choice undermines happiness…. I agree and believe this is as good a reason as any to simplify our lives as much as possible.


difficult decision making window display food 1c

What is your menu for your business? Do u still use the traditional food menu?

We can serve all kind of Asian foods, Japanese foods, Chinese foods, Western foods.
All kind of deserts includes Ice-cream, Chocolate, Glassware drink, Bakery menu, Chinese deserts & Asian deserts.

So we just have to choose our meal within 5 minutes.

If you think more you will get depression syndrome.


Enjoy & Simplify our life with window display menu.



May i take your order for your window display 3D menu


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